Today, January 8, 2007, is a special day. First, it's someone's anniversary. Yihee. Second, it's the 4th season premiere of one of my favorite TV shows. And third, it's the first day of my 3rd term at Interior Design school!
In just a few hours, I'll be on my way to school for the first time on this new year. What to expect? Well, I have five subjects this term, as opposed to last term's four. That just means one thing: A more sleep-deprived Misty! Besides not functioning all too well on only a couple of hours of sleep, I really, really, really hate the eye bags! I look terrible. Does anyone know of a good eye cream or any remedy to combat those fugly dark circles under the eyes? Ahh, vanity.
Of course, in all my O.C.-ness and in preparation for later, I cleaned out my dusty and grimy pencil case and all its contents. I love Magic Eraser! It cleans everything, even those sticky stuff from the back of stickers. Besides using it on my pencil case, I also use it to clean my iBook and drafting board. It's really great for hard-to-remove stains. You can buy it at most hardware stores. Anyway, here's a peek into my pencil case:

It contains the following items:
Several Staedtler pencils in different shades
Metallic pens in Silver and Gold
Kokuyo Cutter
Fan Scale
A couple of clutch pencils
Rotring Isograph pens in .01, .03, and .05
Artline pens in .03 and .05
Mechanical pencil
Lead refills for clutch pencils
Clutch pencil sharpener
Kneaded Eraser
Regular Eraser
Masking tape (not shown)
I really should call it my pencil-and-others case. I love it because it holds a lot, and because I cute-ified it with nice stickers!
Anyway, I should really be sleeping now. I promise to post more often. See you soon!